Here you will find more than 500 images on impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change in Spain, available for free download.
The National Environmental Education Center (CENEAM), which has a digital photo library with more than 22,000 photographs on flora and fauna, ecosystems, protected natural areas, the marine environment, environmental education, and environmental impact, among others, offers a carefully selected collection of images representing the impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change in Spain.
This selection contains representative images of all the sectors, systems, and resources included in the National Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and covers the entire geography of Spain.
If you have photographs that you can contribute on this topic, please contact the CENEAM Documentation Center at (; tel. 921473869).
Usage and Rights: The photographs can be downloaded for free in jpg format with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch and an approximate A4 size, and the associated information can be printed. For higher resolution, please contact the CENEAM Documentation Center at Higher quality images will not be provided when marked as NV in their description.
The authorship and source of the image must always be cited (Author / CENEAM Photo Library).