COP29 - Carbon Neutrality Forum 2024: Accelerating climate action now

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The JPI Climate organised the Climate Neutrality Forum (CNF) to facilitate a science-policy-practitioner dialogue to explore the pathways, interventions and enabling environments required to achieve climate neutrality. The 2024 CNF aimed to provide an update of the best-available science, identify effective policies for emissions reduction and removals, and elucidate areas for further policy development such that progress towards climate neutrality may be accelerated. It touched upon the state of the climate system and fundamental understanding; understanding of trends of key GHGs and global carbon budget; net zero pledges towards 2025 and actions towards 2100; understanding land and its contributions to climate; role and potential of observation systems; and enabling policies in key sectors and support for transitions.


  • Introduce issues discussed at the Carbon Neutrality Forum 2024 held in October 2024.
  • Give main preliminary messages that came out of the different sessions.
  • Highlighting the importance of this type of forum to address gaps and challenges with the aim to accelerate climate action. 


Petra Manderscheid. Executive Director of the Central Secretariat. JPI Climat.


  • Frank MacGobern. Chief Climate Scientist. Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency.
  • María J. Sanz. Scientific Director. Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).
  • Bram Maasakkers. Senior Scienticit. SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research.
  • Natasha Lutz. Co-Data Lead Net Zero Tracker Data. Oxford University.
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid. 14:30 - 15:30