It is expected that the CO2 concentration could increase from the actual 379 ppm to approximately 700 ppm at the end of the century. Also, it is believed that climate change could increase plant water stress (WS) affecting crop production. If CO2 emissions continue at high levels, temperature (T) is predicted to increase 1.8 - 4.0 ºC. Grapevine photosynthesis (AN), as in other C3 plants, is CO2-limited. Any CO2 increase could promote its growth rate and yield. Grapevine physiology is expected to respond to climate change during its whole growth period.
The aim of this work was to investigate effects of stress factors associated to climate change (CO2, T and WS) on leaf physiology and grape quality of Vitis vinifera cv. Tempranillo during ripeness under greenhouse-controlled conditions.
Vid y cambio climático. Estudio del proceso de maduración de la baya en esquejes fructíferos de tempranillo en respuesta a la interacción de CO2 elevado, estrés hídrico y temperatura elevada