Experience of adaptation
Viticulture in times of climate change: the example of Bodegas Torres
Experience of adaptation
Decarbonize, which is no small feat: rescuing low-energy practices
Experience of adaptation
Ecooo: contributing to the energy transition through social and cultural change
Experience of adaptation
Scaling up the acquired learnings: constructing sustainable social housing in the Balearic Islands
Case study
ADAPTaRES Project: Adaptation to climate change in Macaronesia through the efficient use of water and its reuse
Case study
New locks in the Albert canal in Flanders, Belgium
Case study
New locks in the Albert canal in Flanders, Belgium
Case study
Living in a tree house in Torino (Italy): combining adaptation and mitigation measures to improve comfort
Case study
Flood defence framework for National Grid substations in United Kingdom
Case study
Improved resilience of biomass fuel supply chain in UK
Case study
Multifunctional water management and green infrastructure development in an ecodistrict in Rouen
Case study
Adapting overhead lines in response to increasing temperatures in UK
Case study
Replacing overhead lines with underground cables in Finland
Case study
Hydropower expansion and improved management in response to increased glacier melt in Iceland
Case study
Climate bond financing adaptation actions in Paris
Case study
White roof, innovative solar shadings and bioclimatic design in Madrid
Case study
New locks in Albertkanaal in Flanders, Belgium
Case study
Climate resilient retrofit of a Rotterdam building
Case study
Green roofs in Basel, Switzerland: combining mitigation and adaptation measures
Case study
Improved resilience of biomass fuel supply chain in UK
Divulgative resource
Ecooo: contributing to the energy transition through social and cultural change
Divulgative resource
Electricity production in a changing climate
Divulgative resource
Energy rehabilitation of buildings and energy efficiency
Divulgative resource
Renewable energy production
Divulgative resource
Electrified means of transportation