Forestry, desertification, hunting and fishing

Experience of adaptation The Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory: a key tool for improving adaptation measures.
Experience of adaptation Preparing forests and crops for the change ahead: the LIFE MEDACC project
Experience of adaptation Viticulture in times of climate change: the example of Bodegas Torres
Experience of adaptation Improving governance and adaptation of the Mediterranean forest in Menorca
Experience of adaptation AlVelAl, a collective effort to regenerate soils and revitalize the territory
Experience of adaptation The Urban Green Infrastructure of Vitoria-Gasteiz: a comprehensive approach to improving the city and its surroundings
Experience of adaptation Adapting agricultural systems to climate change: the LIFE AgriAdapt project
Experience of adaptation Dismantling a ski resort and restoring mountain ecosystems: the pioneering example of Valcotos
Case study Amphibians, biodiversity conservation, in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, Segovia, Castilla y León
Case study Life Montserrat Project.- Silvopastoral management for habitat conservation and prevention of large forest fires
Case study ADAPTaRES Project: Adaptation to climate change in Macaronesia through the efficient use of water and its reuse
Case study Environmental restoration of the Maspalomas dune system (MASDUNAS Project)
Case study Reconversion of old irrigated farmland in pasturelands (dehesas) in the area of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park
Case study Pteridum Project.- Adaptation to climate change in the Cantabrian mountains by controlling common fern populations (Pteridium Aquilinum) in a circular economy system
Case study Climate-adapted management of the Körös-Maros National Park
Case study Integrating climate change adaptation into coastal planning in Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)
Case study Tatabánya, Hungary, addressing the impacts of urban heat waves and forest fires with alert measures
Case study Sustainable forest management in Menorca in a context of climate change (LIFE BOSCOS-MENORCA)
Case study MEDACC: innovative methodologies for adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean area
Document Adapting forests and people to climate change
Divulgative resource Dismantling of the Valcotos Alpine Ski Station
Divulgative resource Sustainable forest management
Divulgative resource 14 axes of ecological transition generating employment
Divulgative resource Alvelal, a collective effort to regenerate soils and revitalize the territory.
Divulgative resource Changing the city through food policies: the Valencia example