Experience of adaptation
The role of insurance in reducing catastrophic impact and adapting to climate change
Case study
Coverage of extraordinary risks derivables from climate change
Case study
CALCHAS - An integrated analysis system for the effective fire conservancy of forests
Case study
Climate bond financing adaptation actions in Paris
Case study
Ghent crowdfunding platform realising climate change adaptation through urban greening
Case study
Securing future water supply on regional and local level in the River Lavant Valley, Carinthia
Case study
Four pillars to Hamburg’s Green Roof Strategy: financial incentive, dialogue, regulation and science
Case study
Optimization of the mix of private and public funding to realise climate adaptation measures in Malmö
Case study
Bosco Limite - A participatory strategy of water saving and aquifer artificial recharge in Northern Italy
Case study
Financial Institutions: preparing the market for adapting to climate change – Climabiz
Case study
Vrijburcht: a privately funded climate–proof collective garden in Amsterdam
Case study
Rainwater saving and use in households, Bremen
Case study
Autonomous adaptation to droughts in an agro-silvo-pastoral system in Alentejo
Case study
European funds for flood protection measures in Smolyan - Bulgaria
Case study
Nature-based measures against rockfalls over forests in the Engadin Region, Switzerland
Case study
Infrastructure and economic incentives to reduce vulnerability to drought in Segura and Tagus basins
Case study
Lower Danube green corridor: floodplain restoration for flood protection
Case study
Financial contributions of planning applications to prevention of heathland fires in Dorset, UK
Case study
Agroforestry: agriculture of the future? The case of Montpellier
Case study
Tamera water retention landscape to restore the water cycle and reduce vulnerability to droughts
Divulgative resource
Agriculture in a changing climate
Divulgative resource
Climate change threatens Europe's coasts
Divulgative resource
Droughts in a changing climate
Divulgative resource
Electricity production in a changing climate
Divulgative resource
An increasing water scarcity in a changing climate