Case study
Amphibians, biodiversity conservation, in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, ecosystem-based adaptation, Segovia, Castilla y León
Case study
Coverage of extraordinary risks derivables from climate change
Case study
Life Montserrat Project.- Silvopastoral management for habitat conservation and prevention of large forest fires
Case study
Habitat restoration and integrated management in the Ebro delta to improve biodiversity protection and climate resilience
Case study
Habitat restoration and integrated management in the Ebro delta to improve biodiversity protection and climate resilience
Case study
Mosquito Alert, a 360º citizen science observatory
Case study
Reconversion of old irrigated farmland in pasturelands (dehesas) in the area of Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park
Case study
Hydrologic connection and habitat improvement in the meanders of the lower course of the Arga River (Navarra)
Case study
Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System (LIFE CERSUDS).- Demonstration Project developed in Benicàssim (Castellón)
Case study
Adaptive restoration of the former saltworks in Camargue, southern France
Case study
CALCHAS - An integrated analysis system for the effective fire conservancy of forests
Case study
Crop diversification and improved soil management for adaptation to climate change in Segovia (Spain)
Case study
Autonomous adaptation to droughts in an agro-silvo-pastoral system in Alentejo
Case study
Private investment in a leakage monitoring program to cope with water scarcity in Lisbon
Case study
Operation of the Portuguese Contingency Heatwaves Plan
Case study
Financial Institutions: preparing the market for adapting to climate change – Climabiz
Case study
Wetland adaptation in Attica Region, Greece
Case study
Agroforestry: agriculture of the future? The case of Montpellier
Case study
Infrastructure and economic incentives to reduce vulnerability to drought in Segura and Tagus basins
Case study
Adaptation of French standards for design, maintenance and operation of transport infrastructures
Case study
Zaragoza: combining awareness raising and financial measures to enhance water efficiency
Case study
White roof, innovative solar shadings and bioclimatic design in Madrid
Case study
Integrating climate change adaptation into coastal planning in Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)
Case study
Tamera water retention landscape to restore the water cycle and reduce vulnerability to droughts
Case study
Barcelona trees tempering the Mediterranean city climate