COP29 - Gender-responsive climate finance

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The event will aim to underscore the critical role of gender transformative climate finance, addressing the gendered impacts of climate change on women and girls. Climate change is regularly overwhelming the capacity of women to maintain adequate livelihoods, food, water and personal security. It is also indebting women and exacerbating inequalities and poverty. Compounding this are the significant barriers women face in accessing finance (including discriminatory, gendered lending practices), receiving public sector social protection, or engaging in decision-making and policy development processes of climate finance. Additionally, there are substantial data gaps on gender-responsive climate finance, and on how gender considerations have been integrated into climate finance processes.

The side event will focus on promoting strong actions for policymakers, to address the current imbalances in gender-responsive climate finance. Panelists will focus on how to ensure greater access to gender-responsive climate finance, or greater engagement of women in climate finance decision-making, policy development, and policy and project implementation.


  • Increased Awareness: Enhance understanding of the linkages between gender equality, climate action, and climate finance transparency.
  • Recommendations for Policymakers: Develop actionable recommendations for governments and institutions on integrating gender-responsive approaches in climate finance and policy.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Facilitate a platform for experts to share best practices and experiences from different regions and sectors on promoting gender equality within climate action.
  • Strengthened Partnerships: Foster collaboration among international organizations, governments, civil society, and private sector actors to advance gender-responsive climate policies and initiatives.
  • Provide insights from existing global normative frameworks on how gender-responsive climate finance is the key to just climate action and tackling inequalities.


Ela Ionescu. UN Women.

Opening remarks:

Elsa Velasco. Programme Coordinator EUROCLIMA. International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Policy and Administration (FIIAPP).


  • Berioska Quispe. Vice Minister. Peru.
  • Sandra Guzmán Luna. CEO and founder. Climate Finance Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (GFCLAC).
  • Katherine Browne. Research Fellow. Stockholm Environment Institute.
  • Sascha Gabizon. Executive Director. Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF).
  • Stephen O’Driscoll. Head of Environment, Climate and Social Policy. European Investment Bank.
Online. Timezone: Europe/Madrid.14:00 - 15:00