Life Platform Meeting: Adaptación al cambio climático en la agricultura y la silvicultura en la región mediterránea

This LIFE platform meeting will address climate change adaptation in agriculture and forestry around the Mediterranean regions of the EU. Representatives from LIFE projects, national governments, EU institutions, local authorities, expert bodies, civil society and the private sector will discuss measures for strengthening climate change resilience in farms and forests across a region that is particularly vulnerable to global warming. The event is hosted by the Fundación Global Nature, an associated beneficiary of the LIFE AgriAdapt project, and is organised in cooperation with the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the Directorate-General for Climate Action.

The platform meeting programme includes sessions on the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean agriculture and forestry,  related adaptation policies and good practices. It also addresses climate services, knowledge sharing and stakeholder engagement in each of these sectors. Following presentations, delegates will brainstorm in targeted working groups, feeding insight from project implementation back into policy recommendations. On the second day of the platform meeting, participants will visit a LIFE project in either Soria or Segovia, experiencing first-hand how Spanish farms and forests are responding to climate change.
