Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation NOCCA23’

The 6th Nordic Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, NOCCA23’ will be held in Iceland, Reykjavík Grand Hotel on the 17th-19th of April 2023, the same year that Iceland will hold the Precedency at the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

The conference welcomes all who work on climate change adaptation, within the fields of science, in local communities, governments and municipal administration, in ministries and national authorities, politics, businesses, industry and NGOs.

The conference will be a mixture of plenary sessions with invited lectures (day 1, will also be streamed) and workshops (day 2, only for those on site) all focused on adaptation in cities and municipalities in the Nordics. The final day will be filled with optional sightseeing activities (TBA).

In the IPCC report that came out in February 2022 it is emphasized that is critically important that nations around the globe start to think about integration on adaptation for their region and for the natural hazards that will start to affect both nature and urbanized areas around the globe. Extremes in weather, rising sea level, ocean acidification and other changes are forcing the global community to focus on measures that will try to lower the impact and focus on adaptation.  

The Nordic countries do have common threats such as rising sea levels, mudslides and avalanches, forest fires, organizational development and public health issues that will affect all in the nearest future. Even so the region aims to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world in 2030, and to be able to reach that giant milestone it is critical that the Nordic countries will share key learnings from research and action towards adaptation.  The event is a valuable venue for Nordic countries to discuss, learn and share knowledge about climate change adaptation in the Nordics.

More information.

Reykjavík Grand Hotel, Iceland
National Knowledge Centre on Climate Change Adaptation (NKCCCA) at the Icelandic Met Office (IMO)