Case study
Infrastructure and economic incentives to reduce vulnerability to drought in Segura and Tagus basins
Case study
IRRINET: IT irrigation system for agricultural water management in Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Case study
Room for the River Regge, Netherlands - restoring dynamics
Case study
Flexible and adaptive coastal planning and protection approach in Aurich, Lower Saxony
Case study
Integrating climate change adaptation into coastal planning in Šibenik-Knin County (Croatia)
Case study
Regional flood management by combining soft and hard engineering solutions, the Norfolk Broadlands
Case study
Habitat restoration and management in the Ebro delta coastal lagoons
Case study
An integrated plan incorporating flood protection: the Sigma Plan (Scheldt Estuary, Belgium)
Case study
Temporary flood water storage in agricultural areas in the Middle Tisza river basin - Hungary
Case study
Wetland adaptation in Attica Region, Greece
Case study
Room for the River Waal – protecting the city of Nijmegen
Case study
Implementation of the integrated Master Plan for Coastal Safety in Flanders
Case study
Sustainable forest management in Menorca in a context of climate change (LIFE BOSCOS-MENORCA)
Case study
River Restoration of the Manzanares River in the surroundings of the Royal Site of El Pardo (Madrid)
Case study
MEDACC: innovative methodologies for adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean area
Case study
EGOKI: integrating adaptation to climate change in spatial and urban planning in municipalities in Navarre